God’s an Artist and you’re a masterpiece

This book combines scientific facts presented in an interesting way which prove that the universe had a very intelligent Designer with an explanation of the attributes of our awesome God. For example, the way God designed our planet with more than 130 prerequisites for human life and created each animal with specific characteristics necessary for survival in its enviroment assures us that He gave us commands to protect and bless our lives.

The Creator who directs trillions of stars, some so heavy that a cubic centimeter of their matter weighs as much as 150 million average size cars and others with diameters of billions of miles besides planets like our earth which travels through space at 66,000 miles an hour without space accidents can certainly care for us. Those who deny the existence of the Creator God don’t have anyone to pray to and they can’t count on Someone who is always present to encourage and perform miracles when things fall apart. They have no hope after death. There is no one who never changes or goes out of existence to provide unconditional love, explain correct behavior or eradicate guilt. What you believe about the origin
of the universe affects your daily life.

God’s an Artist and you’re a masterpiece